%A NIM.: 19101040054 Irza Prambudi Nugroho %O Pembimbing: Dr. Syifaun Nafisah, M.T. %T STUDI TENTANG BIBLIOTERAPI SEBAGAI SARANA REHABILITASI NARAPIDANA MELALUI PERPUSTAKAAN DI RUMAH TAHANAN NEGARA KELAS IIB REMBANG %X In an era full of advances in technology and information, people can easily obtain various sources of information, but there are still people who are not fully aware of and apply this information properly, and even people who do not fully understand that their actions are at risk of violating existing laws. Rehabilitation is a way to heal for people who violate existing laws, one of which is by applying bibliotherapy or book reading therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of bibliotherapy as a means of rehabilitation for prisoners through the library of Class IIB Rembang State Detention Center. In this study classified as qualitative research conducted directly on the object under study. The objects in this study are bibliotherapy and rehabilitation. While the subjects in this study were convicts/inmates. In collecting data using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used a qualitative descriptive method, namely by processing the data obtained during the research process either through observation, interviews, and documentation which were interpreted systematically in the form of reports made as is in accordance with the actual situation in the field. The results showed that bibliotherapy as a means of rehabilitation for prisoners through the library of the Rembang Class IIB State Detention Center provides a good or positive influence on the inmates/convicts. This is evidenced by the influence of mental, spiritual, moral and physical. %K Biblioterapi, Rehabilitasi, Narapidana/Warga Binaan, Perpustakaan %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib66327