<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "METODE ISTINBAT, AL-KUTUB AL-MU’TABARAH, DAN OTORITAS DALAM HUKUM ISLAM: STUDI AKTIVITAS BAHSUL MASAIL FORUM MUSYAWARAH PONDOK PESANTREN (FMPP) SE JAWA-MADURA"^^ . "This study aims to examine Bahsul Masail conducted by a\r\nDiscussion Forum of Islamic Boarding Schools (FMPP) of Java and\r\nMadura islands. Bahsul Masail is a functional intellectual tradition\r\nintended to answer some Islamic law questions. During the\r\ndiscussion, there are typical rules and mechanism in some aspects,\r\ncomprising law decision, reference criteria, and other visible\r\nelements. And one of essential elements is the presence of a group of\r\npeople owning a top authority in the forum, the musahhih board, upon\r\nwhich this study is trying to answer three operational questions. (1)\r\nWhat law exploration method is employed by Bahsul Masail FMPP\r\n(2) What relations is there in the al-kutub al-mu’tabarah practice and\r\nthe authority formation in Bahsul Masail FMPP (3) What lies\r\nbehind musahhih , the top authority owner? To answer these\r\nquestions, a qualitative research was carried out. Data were obtained\r\nthrough interviews, observation, and Bahsul Masail document\r\nanalysis. This study resulted as follow. First, Bahsul Masail FMPP\r\nprioritized qauli method, with very few manhaji method being used.\r\nThe domination of qauli method is of orthodoxy part, born of\r\ninteractions of power, knowledge, and social relations of three parties\r\ninvolved – participants, formulators, and musahhih. In addition to\r\ninexperienced young participants with manhaji knowledge\r\ninadequacy, qauli and ilhaqi methods suffice to answer appearing\r\nquestions. The law exploration, relying on ulamas of mazhab, is part\r\nof past-time hierarchical relations, which is considered foundational;\r\nit is the ulamas of mazhab who owns the authority of ijtihad . Second,\r\nthe use of al-kutub al-mu’tabarah in the forum is meant to maintain\r\nqauli method over manhaji one. In fact, al-kutub al mu’tabarah is part\r\nof power relations of three actors of the forum: participants,\r\nformulators, and musahhih. The authority tradition in the Bahsul\r\nMasail FMPP, in fact, emerged because of al-kutub al-mu’tabarah’s\r\nposition (i.e. the reference to dealing with problems) as al-kutub almu’taabarah\r\ncan articulate the thoughts of mazhab ulamas, who are considered authoritative. Third, owning the top authority in the\r\nforum, musahhih is meant to serve as “the judge” whose right is to\r\napprove and give necessary correction toward the output. The\r\nauthority attached to musahhih was born of interactions of\r\nknowledge, power, and social relations commonly practiced in the\r\nworld of pesantren"^^ . "2024-07-31" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "PASCASARJANA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM.: 19300016097"^^ . "Syaiful Bahri"^^ . "NIM.: 19300016097 Syaiful Bahri"^^ . . . . . . "METODE ISTINBAT, AL-KUTUB AL-MU’TABARAH, DAN OTORITAS DALAM HUKUM ISLAM: STUDI AKTIVITAS BAHSUL MASAIL FORUM MUSYAWARAH PONDOK PESANTREN (FMPP) SE JAWA-MADURA (Text)"^^ . . . . . "19300016097_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "METODE ISTINBAT, AL-KUTUB AL-MU’TABARAH, DAN OTORITAS DALAM HUKUM ISLAM: STUDI AKTIVITAS BAHSUL MASAIL FORUM MUSYAWARAH PONDOK PESANTREN (FMPP) SE JAWA-MADURA (Text)"^^ . . . . . "METODE ISTINBAT, AL-KUTUB AL-MU’TABARAH, DAN OTORITAS DALAM HUKUM ISLAM: STUDI AKTIVITAS BAHSUL MASAIL FORUM MUSYAWARAH PONDOK PESANTREN (FMPP) SE JAWA-MADURA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "METODE ISTINBAT, AL-KUTUB AL-MU’TABARAH, DAN OTORITAS DALAM HUKUM ISLAM: STUDI AKTIVITAS BAHSUL MASAIL FORUM MUSYAWARAH PONDOK PESANTREN (FMPP) SE JAWA-MADURA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "METODE ISTINBAT, AL-KUTUB AL-MU’TABARAH, DAN OTORITAS DALAM HUKUM ISLAM: STUDI AKTIVITAS BAHSUL MASAIL FORUM MUSYAWARAH PONDOK PESANTREN (FMPP) SE JAWA-MADURA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "METODE ISTINBAT, AL-KUTUB AL-MU’TABARAH, DAN OTORITAS DALAM HUKUM ISLAM: STUDI AKTIVITAS BAHSUL MASAIL FORUM MUSYAWARAH PONDOK PESANTREN (FMPP) SE JAWA-MADURA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "METODE ISTINBAT, AL-KUTUB AL-MU’TABARAH, DAN OTORITAS DALAM HUKUM ISLAM: STUDI AKTIVITAS BAHSUL MASAIL FORUM MUSYAWARAH PONDOK PESANTREN (FMPP) SE JAWA-MADURA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "METODE ISTINBAT, AL-KUTUB AL-MU’TABARAH, DAN OTORITAS DALAM HUKUM ISLAM: STUDI AKTIVITAS BAHSUL MASAIL FORUM MUSYAWARAH PONDOK PESANTREN (FMPP) SE JAWA-MADURA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "METODE ISTINBAT, AL-KUTUB AL-MU’TABARAH, DAN OTORITAS DALAM HUKUM ISLAM: STUDI AKTIVITAS BAHSUL MASAIL FORUM MUSYAWARAH PONDOK PESANTREN (FMPP) SE JAWA-MADURA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "METODE ISTINBAT, AL-KUTUB AL-MU’TABARAH, DAN OTORITAS DALAM HUKUM ISLAM: STUDI AKTIVITAS BAHSUL MASAIL FORUM MUSYAWARAH PONDOK PESANTREN (FMPP) SE JAWA-MADURA (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #66456 \n\nMETODE ISTINBAT, AL-KUTUB AL-MU’TABARAH, DAN OTORITAS DALAM HUKUM ISLAM: STUDI AKTIVITAS BAHSUL MASAIL FORUM MUSYAWARAH PONDOK PESANTREN (FMPP) SE JAWA-MADURA\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "297.4 Hukum Islam" . .