%0 Thesis %9 Doctoral %A Bayu Suratman, NIM.: 20300011022 %B PASCASARJANA %D 2024 %F digilib:66458 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Relasi Sosial, Pola Asuh, Etnis %P 463 %T DINAMIKA RELASI SOSIAL DAN POLA ASUH ANAK USIA DINI PADA KOMUNITAS ETNIS TIONGHOA, DAYAK, DAN MELAYU DI SAMBAS %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/66458/ %X This dissertation investigates the child-rearing practices of Chinese, Dayak, and Malay ethnicities in Sambas, Indonesia. To understand these practices, the study also explores the social interactions that occur among these ethnic groups. These interactions significantly impact how child-rearing is approached within each ethnic family. The child-rearing practices of the three ethnicities differ due to variations in habitus (the system of dispositions acquired through social experience) and capital ownership (economic, social, and cultural resources) among the groups. These differences are evident in the formulation of goals, methods, and materials used in child-rearing. The research employs a qualitative methodology with a sociological approach. Sociology is used to address research questions from a sociological perspective, revealing the socio-cultural meanings of the research subjects. Data collection follows qualitative research procedures, gathering data through direct observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The dissertation's theoretical framework utilizes Diana Baumrind's child-rearing perspectives and Pierre Bourdieu's social theory. Data analysis involves data condensation (selecting, focusing, abstracting, simplifying, and transforming data). Data validity is ensured through data triangulation (using data from multiple sources and methods). This dissertation explores social interactions and child-rearing practices among Chinese, Dayak, and Malay ethnicities in Sambas, Indonesia. Public interactions encompass economic, cultural, social, and political domains, exhibiting both cooperation (promoting ethnic harmony) and competition (particularly in social, economic, and political spheres). Stereotypes remain prevalent in how these ethnicities view each other. Parenting practices are analyzed through the lens of "folkways parenting" in early childhood, where parents raise their children based on established norms, customs, traditions, and beliefs, acting as a tool for social control and transmitting cultural values. Habitus and social capital of parents influence these practices, leading to distinct approaches and components within each ethnicity's folkways parenting. These distinctions contribute to the formation of ethnic stereotypes and reflect class status positions within Sambas, as taste preferences cultivated through upbringing become markers of both ethnicity and social class. This research offers a two-fold contribution. In Islamic Studies, it shows how Islamic practices can adapt to real-world needs, emphasizing the importance of considering context when choosing research theories and methods. For Early Childhood Islamic Education, the research highlights the value of looking beyond just education and psychology by using sociological approaches. This variety of approaches can lead to new discoveries in ECIE %Z Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Mahmud Arif, M.Ag dan Prof. Dr. Sigit Purnama, S.Pd.I., M.Pd