relation: title: ANALISIS PENGALAMAN PENGGUNA APLIKASI WHATSAPP BERDASARKAN USER EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE creator: Auliya Faizah Rahmawati, NIM.: 20106050007 subject: 004 Pemrosesan Data, Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Informatika description: The use of WhatsApp instant messaging application continues to increase and is the most widely used platform in Indonesia. However, users still face some issues after app updates. As the most popular instant messaging application, WhatsApp needs to conduct user experience tests to understand user interactions and how well the application meets their needs. To assess the user experience of WhatsApp, especially the emotional and cognitive aspects of users, the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) instrument is used. The results of this analysis will measure the level of user experience and identify obstacles to the WhatsApp application, so that appropriate improvements can be made. This analysis uses descriptive statistical methods to determine the central tendency value (mean, median, mode) with a margin of error of 5%, as well as data variation, skewness, kurtosis, and data distribution visualized with graphs and diagrams. Based on the UEQ instrument, this study involved 3250 respondents consisting of more than 84 cities spread across Indonesia and resulted in the following user experience scores for WhatsApp: attractiveness scale 1.71 (good), perspicuity scale 1.92 (good), efficiency scale 1.75 (good), dependability scale 1.32 (above average), stimulation scale 1.40 (good), and novelty scale 0.90 (above average). Thus, WhatsApp has a good level of user experience. However, some items still need improvement to increase user experience, namely motivating, secure, leading edge, inventive, predictable, exciting, and creative aspects. date: 2024-06-20 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Auliya Faizah Rahmawati, NIM.: 20106050007 (2024) ANALISIS PENGALAMAN PENGGUNA APLIKASI WHATSAPP BERDASARKAN USER EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.