%A NIM.: 20106050030 Ahmad Ali Sidqi Abdurrohman %O Pembimbing: Dr. Ir. Shofwatul 'Uyun, S.T., M.Kom., IPM. %T RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PENENTUAN I’RAB DAN KEDUDUKAN KALIMAT BAHASA ARAB MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA BEST-FIRST SEARCH BERBASIS ITERATIVE WATERFALL %X Many students, university attendees, and religious school students (santri) find it challenging to learn Arabic. In Islamic higher education institutions, passing the TOAFL (Test of Arabic as a Foreign Language) is a requirement for thesis defense, in addition to the TOEFL. Heuristic Search is a selective search method within a state space, designed to guide the search process along the paths with the highest chance of success while avoiding less effective efforts that waste time. This system is developed to facilitate Arabic learning for students, university attendees, and santri who are new to the Arabic language, especially in the study of Nahwu (Arabic grammar). The system employs Best-First Search as its Heuristic Search algorithm due to its fast and efficient process. The software development method used is Iterative Waterfall, as it is well-suited for projects developed by an individual. The development of this system succeeded in making an android application about learning nahwu based on Kitab Imrithi which focuses on determining i'rab and the position of words from Arabic sentences using the Best-First Search Algorithm. %K Pelajar, Mahasiswa, Santri, Bahasa Arab, Best-First Search, Iterative Waterfall, Pengembangan Sistem %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib66489