relation: title: PENDEKATAN GREEN SUPPLY CHAIN OPERATION REFERENCE (GSCOR) DALAM MELAKUKAN ANALISIS DAN EVALUASI KINERJA GREEN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (STUDI KASUS: PT MADUBARU PG-PS MADUKISMO) creator: Raden Rama Bani Saputra, NIM.: 20106060033 subject: 658.5 Manajemen - Industri description: Supply chain management must be followed with concern for environment, with no exception for sugar factories. In Yogyakarta, PT Madubaru is the only sugar factory with an operational area in DIY and Central Java. It is also known that by 2023, the rate of return on sugar products from customer is 10%. The GSCOR model is used to measure performance. The GSCOR model is intended to determine the performance value of PT Madubaru's GSCM which consists of 6 core processes. This model can also be used to evaluate supply chain activities so that they do not have a negative impact on the environment. This analysis begins by measuring the performance of each KPI. Based on calculations, the GSCM performance value of PT Madubaru is 71.43. This value shows that PT Madubaru's GSCM performance is in the good category. Of the 23 KPIs that have been validated, there are 9 KPIs that are red or unsatisfactory and require improvement. From this analysis, recommendations for improvement are provided in accordance with KPIs that are indicated as unsatisfactory. KPI categorization is carried out using the TLS concept, where the normalized value of actual performance < 60 means it is unsatisfactory and requires improvement. It is hoped that the recommendations for improvement provided will help PT Madubaru improve GSCM performance date: 2024-07-30 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Raden Rama Bani Saputra, NIM.: 20106060033 (2024) PENDEKATAN GREEN SUPPLY CHAIN OPERATION REFERENCE (GSCOR) DALAM MELAKUKAN ANALISIS DAN EVALUASI KINERJA GREEN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (STUDI KASUS: PT MADUBARU PG-PS MADUKISMO). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.