@phdthesis{digilib66501, month = {June}, title = {PENINGKATAN EFEKTIVITAS KINERJA MESIN DENGAN ANALISIS PERHITUNGAN NILAI OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS PADA CV PRASODJO}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 20106060046 Dita Ovianti Ningrum}, year = {2024}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Ir. Ira Setyaningsih, S.T., M.Sc, IPM, ASEAN Eng}, keywords = {Maintenance, Avability, Performance, Quality, OEE}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/66501/}, abstract = {The increasing need for automation in every line in the industrial sector makes it both an advantage and a challenge for companies to fulfill it. Every machine or tool used certainly requires maintenance to ensure the machine operates according to optimal function. Apart from carrying out regular maintenance processes, machine reliability and performance can also be maintained and improved by carrying out appropriate handling when the machine experiences problems or is damaged. The problem that occurred at CV Prasodjo as a producer of processed food ingredients was one of the machines that experienced a breakdown exceeding the company's estimated limit once every two months. The effectiveness of the machine is calculated using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method. It was found that the average OEE value for the vacuum oil machine at CV Prasodjo only reached 66,92\% (below the standard of 85\%). Knowing the low OEE value of a vacuum oil engine, we also analyzed which losses most influence the low OEE value, namely Idling and Minor Stoppage with a percentage of 53,44\%. The solution provided is in the form of resetting the operatenal start time of the vacuum oil machine so that it can be fully utilized according to the available working hours, adding employees or being able to give authority over the packaging process to one of the employees so that the machine operator does not wait for employees from the production process, carrying out maintenance and checking. machines periodically, providing provisions to machine operators on how to overcome machine breakdowns, and grouping products according to the vacuum treatment carried out to reduce machine resetting time.} }