<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "KEPASTIAN HAK ASUH DAN NAFKAH ANAK YANG BELUM MUMAYIZ AKIBAT PERKARA PERCERAIAN (ANALISIS PUTUSAN NOMOR 829/PDT.G/2023/PA.BTL DAN NOMOR 065/PDT.G/2023/PTA.YK)"^^ . "Problem child custody This becomes a serious problem in cases of parental divorce.\r\nThis research departs from the author's research regarding data on cases within\r\nthe Religious Courts throughout DIY Yogyakarta Province which have gone up to\r\nthe appeal level at the Yogyakarta High Religious Court. During 2023, of the total\r\nof 76 cases submitted to the Yogyakarta High Religious Court, there was 1 decision\r\nnumber 0829/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Btl regarding a claim for custody of children who had\r\nnot yet been discharged which was not determined by either the Plaintiff or the\r\nDefendant. The panel of judges did not accept it because there was a formal defect,\r\nwhich occurred as a result of the petitum's demands not being based on a clear and\r\nfirm posita. The party did not correct the lawsuit during the lawsuit reading stage,\r\nand the panel of judges did not provide any guidance regarding the deficiencies in\r\nthe posita. This is in accordance with the doctrine in civil procedural law. However,\r\nit is feared that it could be more likely that problems will arise in the future, for\r\nexample struggles over child custody and security over child support.\r\nThe aim of this research is to determine the differences in the considerations of the\r\npanel of judges at first level decision number 0829/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Btl and the\r\npanel of judges at appeal level decision number 065/Pdt.G/2023/PTA.Yk in\r\ndeciding custody cases and reviewing from the perspective of Gustav Radbruch's\r\nlegal objectives.\r\nThis type of research is descriptive-analytic library research. This research uses\r\nprimary data sources in the form of decision number 0829/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Btl and\r\ndecision number 65/Pdt.G/2023/PTA.Yk. and supported by secondary data sources.\r\nData collection techniques in this research were by means of literature and\r\ninterviews. The data analysis in this research uses qualitative analysis. Then the\r\ndata obtained in this research was analyzed using a juridical-normative approach.\r\nBased on the results of the research, it was concluded that the existence of a lack\r\nof synchronization between the posita and the petitum in the preparation of the child\r\ncustody lawsuit, could cause the lawsuit to become unclear, resulting in the lawsuit\r\nnot being accepted. The consequences arising from the decision of the Bantul\r\nReligious Court number 0829/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Btl which does not determine the\r\nobligations of the holder of child custody can result in certainty of custody and\r\nlivelihood of the three children as well as conflict between parents fighting over\r\ncustody of the three children. . Then, in the decision of the High Religious Court\r\nnumber 065/Pdt.G/PTA.Yk which revised the decision of the Bantul Religious Court\r\nby determining that custody of the three children fell to the mother, it was felt that\r\nit better reflected the value of legal certainty followed by reflecting the principles\r\nof justice and the benefits of the law to various parties"^^ . "2024-06-05" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM.: 20103050116"^^ . "Arif Juliawan Muyassar"^^ . "NIM.: 20103050116 Arif Juliawan Muyassar"^^ . . . . . . "KEPASTIAN HAK ASUH DAN NAFKAH ANAK YANG BELUM MUMAYIZ AKIBAT PERKARA PERCERAIAN (ANALISIS PUTUSAN NOMOR 829/PDT.G/2023/PA.BTL DAN NOMOR 065/PDT.G/2023/PTA.YK) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "20103050116_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "KEPASTIAN HAK ASUH DAN NAFKAH ANAK YANG BELUM MUMAYIZ AKIBAT PERKARA PERCERAIAN (ANALISIS PUTUSAN NOMOR 829/PDT.G/2023/PA.BTL DAN NOMOR 065/PDT.G/2023/PTA.YK) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "KEPASTIAN HAK ASUH DAN NAFKAH ANAK YANG BELUM MUMAYIZ AKIBAT PERKARA PERCERAIAN (ANALISIS PUTUSAN NOMOR 829/PDT.G/2023/PA.BTL DAN NOMOR 065/PDT.G/2023/PTA.YK) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KEPASTIAN HAK ASUH DAN NAFKAH ANAK YANG BELUM MUMAYIZ AKIBAT PERKARA PERCERAIAN (ANALISIS PUTUSAN NOMOR 829/PDT.G/2023/PA.BTL DAN NOMOR 065/PDT.G/2023/PTA.YK) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KEPASTIAN HAK ASUH DAN NAFKAH ANAK YANG BELUM MUMAYIZ AKIBAT PERKARA PERCERAIAN (ANALISIS PUTUSAN NOMOR 829/PDT.G/2023/PA.BTL DAN NOMOR 065/PDT.G/2023/PTA.YK) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KEPASTIAN HAK ASUH DAN NAFKAH ANAK YANG BELUM MUMAYIZ AKIBAT PERKARA PERCERAIAN (ANALISIS PUTUSAN NOMOR 829/PDT.G/2023/PA.BTL DAN NOMOR 065/PDT.G/2023/PTA.YK) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KEPASTIAN HAK ASUH DAN NAFKAH ANAK YANG BELUM MUMAYIZ AKIBAT PERKARA PERCERAIAN (ANALISIS PUTUSAN NOMOR 829/PDT.G/2023/PA.BTL DAN NOMOR 065/PDT.G/2023/PTA.YK) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "KEPASTIAN HAK ASUH DAN NAFKAH ANAK YANG BELUM MUMAYIZ AKIBAT PERKARA PERCERAIAN (ANALISIS PUTUSAN NOMOR 829/PDT.G/2023/PA.BTL DAN NOMOR 065/PDT.G/2023/PTA.YK) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "KEPASTIAN HAK ASUH DAN NAFKAH ANAK YANG BELUM MUMAYIZ AKIBAT PERKARA PERCERAIAN (ANALISIS PUTUSAN NOMOR 829/PDT.G/2023/PA.BTL DAN NOMOR 065/PDT.G/2023/PTA.YK) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "KEPASTIAN HAK ASUH DAN NAFKAH ANAK YANG BELUM MUMAYIZ AKIBAT PERKARA PERCERAIAN (ANALISIS PUTUSAN NOMOR 829/PDT.G/2023/PA.BTL DAN NOMOR 065/PDT.G/2023/PTA.YK) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #66520 \n\nKEPASTIAN HAK ASUH DAN NAFKAH ANAK YANG BELUM MUMAYIZ AKIBAT PERKARA PERCERAIAN (ANALISIS PUTUSAN NOMOR 829/PDT.G/2023/PA.BTL DAN NOMOR 065/PDT.G/2023/PTA.YK)\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "346.01 Hukum Keluarga - Hukum Pernikahan" . .