relation: title: DAKWAH MODERASI BERAGAMA HABIB JAFAR DI YOUTUBE NOICE (ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA CHARLES S. PEIRCE) creator: Fardilla Dwi Utami, NIM.: 20202011007 subject: 297.74 Dakwah Islam, Penyebaran Islam description: Indeed, da'wah is an appeal and invitation to return to the straight path, namely to Allah SWT. Da'wah invitations that are often inappropriate result in an invitation that has an impact on violent da'wah. Later, various kinds of da'wah breakthroughs emerged to convey da'wah messages to be more easily understood. In the midst of various kinds of differences among religious people, dakwha moderation is present as a way of da'wah by being in the middle. This concept has actually long existed regarding how Muslims should be individuals who do not lean on the left and right sides but in the middle position. Through preaching moderation, a preacher has a personality that is more adaptive to differences, both differences in views and differences in any case. Religious moderation is a concept that has good values and is also a concept taht builds relationships between religious communities. The concept of religious moderation da’wah is certainly a da’wah concept that invites a movemnet to build good relations with individuals or groups and even other reloigions to coexist peacefully and safely. Indonesia is a large country with various ethnicities, cultutre, reloigionss, races and intergroups. The preacing of religious moderation is present to bring the spirit of a tolerant life, becoming a moderate person in assessing something that does not lean to the left and right but is able to stand in the middle. So that the preaching pf religious moderation makes the value of preaching polite, tolerant, humanist, fair and balanced and also appreciates cultural life in Indonesia. The preaching of moderation delivered by Habib Jafar on a different but joint program on YouTube Noice has da’wah messages taht can be studied through various perspectives. Semiotic analysis is one of the perspective used to study various signs. One of the signs refers to the words conveyed, other signs are not only about words but how Habib Jafar conveys through body gestures, facial expressions and symbols that show a separate meaning and meaning, as the da’wah message is present. Through semiotic analysis techniques in delivering da’wah messages can also be seen from the communication model used. date: 2024-05-15 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Fardilla Dwi Utami, NIM.: 20202011007 (2024) DAKWAH MODERASI BERAGAMA HABIB JAFAR DI YOUTUBE NOICE (ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA CHARLES S. PEIRCE). Masters thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.