eprintid: 66633 rev_number: 11 eprint_status: archive userid: 13171 dir: disk0/00/06/66/33 datestamp: 2024-08-20 07:17:04 lastmod: 2024-08-20 07:17:04 status_changed: 2024-08-20 07:17:04 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Abdur Rohman, NIM.: 17103070067 title: PELANGGARAN KODE ETIK HAKIM MAHKAMAH KONSTITUSI DALAM PERSPEKTIF SISTEM PERADILAN ISLAM (STUDI PUTUSAN MAJELIS KEHORMATAN MAHKAMAH KONSTITUSI NOMOR 1/MKMK/T/02/2023) ispublished: pub subjects: 342 divisions: tata_negara full_text_status: restricted keywords: Kode Etik, Hakim, Mahkamah Konstitusi, Sistem Peradilan Islam note: Pembimbing: Dr. Ahmad Yani Anshori, M.Ag abstract: This study examines violations of the Constitutional Court judges' code of ethics from the perspective of the Islamic judicial system, focusing on the case of the Constitutional Court Honorary Council's decision Number 1/MKMK/T/02/2023. The research aims to understand how such ethical violations are interpreted and responded to by the Islamic judicial system and their implications for the integrity and credibility of the Constitutional Court in Indonesia. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis. Data were obtained through an in-depth study of the Constitutional Court Honorary Council's decision documents and related literature. The analysis was conducted by comparing ethical principles in the Islamic judicial system with the ethical standards applied in the Constitutional Court. Based on the analysis and the explanation above, it can be concluded that, first: Constitutional Judge Guntur Hamzah was proven to have violated the Judge's Code of Ethics. The form of violation was the alteration of the phrase "with this" to "going forward" in Constitutional Court Decision No. 103/PUU-XX/2022. Second: The violation of the Judge's Code of Ethics by Guntur Hamzah is seen in the Islamic judicial system as a breach of the principle of ihsan for a Judge. Third: The sanction (ta'zir) in the form of a "written reprimand" given to Judge Guntur Hamzah does not align with the principles of the Islamic judicial system. The reason is clear that Islamic justice highly upholds the ethical values of a Judge. date: 2024-07-30 date_type: published pages: 161 institution: UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA department: FAKULTAS SYARI'AH DAN HUKUM thesis_type: skripsi thesis_name: other citation: Abdur Rohman, NIM.: 17103070067 (2024) PELANGGARAN KODE ETIK HAKIM MAHKAMAH KONSTITUSI DALAM PERSPEKTIF SISTEM PERADILAN ISLAM (STUDI PUTUSAN MAJELIS KEHORMATAN MAHKAMAH KONSTITUSI NOMOR 1/MKMK/T/02/2023). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA. document_url: https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/66633/1/17103070067_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf document_url: https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/66633/2/17103070067_BAB-II_sampai_SEBELUM-BAB-TERAKHIR.pdf