title: Demand For the Halal Market Among Young Generation
creator: Khairunnisa Mohd Rosdan, -
creator: Siti Yuliandi Ahmad, -
creator: Dian Nur Anna, -
subject: Halal dan Haram
description: Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the most vital aspects of the halal market (Shariahcompliant  hotels, Halal food and beverages, and Shariah healthcare services) that influence  the young generation's purchasing intention in Malaysia.  Methods/Design/approach: A quantitative research design with non-probability sampling.  The data were obtained by distributing online questionnaire surveys to Malaysia's youth  through social media platforms.  Findings: Significant findings include accommodation, halal food and beverages, and  Shariah compliance healthcare services.  Implication: This study provides significance towards Islamic tourism, especially Islamic  tourism in Malaysia, which covers an extensive range of interests among the Malaysian young  generation's demand towards the Halal market.
publisher: KSTCL Press
date: 2024
type: Book Section
type: PeerReviewed
format: text
language: en
format: text
language: id
identifier:   Khairunnisa Mohd Rosdan, - and Siti Yuliandi Ahmad, - and Dian Nur Anna, -  (2024) Demand For the Halal Market Among Young Generation.   In:  Youth and Halal Tourism Research.   KSTCL Press, Malaysia, pp. 1-11.  ISBN 978-967-2771-26-5