%A NAJIB KAILANI %J /Jurnal/Sosiologi Reflektif/Volume 2, No.2, April 2008/ %T BUDAYA POPULER ISLAM DI INDONESIA : Jaringan Dakwah Forum Lingkar Pena %X This paper explores the phenomenon of contemporary Indonesian Muslim youth who have developed an Islamic (popular) cultural movement in Indonesia through an organization called ‘Forum Lingkar Pena’ (Lingkar Pena Forum). This organization was founded by some tarbiyah campus activists in 1997 at the University of Indonesia, Jakarta. The primary purpose of the organization is to prepare young writers who are concerned with da’wa issues in this global era. In the beginning, FLP consisted of approximately 30 activists. Over time, FLP grew to include activists from the province of Indonesia as well as abroad. They claim that there are now a total of 5000 members both within and outside Indonesia. Almost 75 per cent of them are women.FLP uses modern technology like the internet, in order to network and communicate with one other. They disseminate “new� Islamic popular values in Indonesia’s public sphere by publishing various works including short stories, comics, essays etc. Such writings use special terms like ‘ikhwan’ to refer to men and ‘akhwat’ for women. FLP has also developed writing courses, especially for teenagers. This form of Islam is generally influenced by Ikhwanul Muslimin (Islamic brotherhood) movement ideas in Egypt.Several years ago, some of FLP’s founders started to publish their ideas in Annida Magazine. Annida is an Islamic magazine for Muslim youth. It was founded in 1991 at a time when secular: magazines like Aneka, Anita, and Hai dominated the types of media aimed at adolescents in Indonesia. The presence of magazines like Annida provides an alternative to other Islamic magazines such as Sabili, which presents a more hardline view of Islam. At the same time, Annida has differentiated itself from “secular� popular media.As the Islamic community became united through the writings of the da’wa movement, they developed various ‘sunna’ (traditions) from the era of the Prophet Muhammad. This includes, for example, wearing the jilbab (hijab or head scarf) for women and growing a beard and wearing koko clothes for men. Their main focus is on disseminating a popular or trendy version of Islam among teenagers. They are most concerned about Islamic youth. They circulate their ideas among school students through religious institutions like Rohis (Kerohanian Islam).Almost all FLP members have a background Rohis in the school. This study attempts to explore the contemporary Muslim youth movement in Indonesia, which is occurring at a time when globalization is at its strongest. %K Budaya populer Islam, organisasi kepenulisan, dakwah Islam %D 2009 %I Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %L digilib667