%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Habib Husyen Alhabsi, NIM.: 20102010079 %B FAKULTAS DAKWAH DAN KOMUNIKASI %D 2024 %F digilib:66715 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Intensitas Mengakses, Perilaku Sosial, Konten Login %P 138 %T PENGARUH INTENSITAS MENGAKSES KONTEN LOGIN DALAM YOUTUBE TERHADAP PEMBENTUKAN SIKAP SOSIAL MAHASISWA LAMPUNG %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/66715/ %X YouTube is the most popular video site today. YouTube has several types of video content provided such as, containing information about tips and tricks, music, comedy education, movies, news, and even da'wah. For example, Deddy Corbuzier's Login-themed account has a main focus of content on religious tolerance. Login content has its own dynamics about how YouTube users, especially the chosen object, namely Lampung students with social behavior and whether they feel that the content loaded on YouTube can influence their social behavior. This study aims to examine the effect of the intensity of accessing login content on YouTube on the formation of social attitudes of Lampung students. The research method used is quantitative with a survey approach. The research sample was active students at universities in Lampung. With the sampling technique using the Random Sampling method, and obtained 100 respondents. The theory underlying this research is SOR theory. Data analysis was carried out using a simple linear regression test with the help of IBM SPSS version 29. The results showed an influence between the intensity of accessing login content in YouTube on the formation of social attitudes of Lampung students. The correlation value (R) is 0.882, and the coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.777, which implies that the effect of access intensity on social attitudes is 77.7%. Where this value is in the strong category. While the level of access intensity is in the strong category, and social attitudes are in the good category. %Z Pembimbing: Muhammad Diak Udin, M.Sos