relation: title: GAYA KOMUNIKASI DAKWAH NING UMI LAILA PADA LIVE COMAL PEMALANG creator: Zumrotus Sa’adah, NIM.: 20102010085 subject: 302.2 Communication/Komunikasi description: Communication style is a way for a person to convey messages verbally and non-verbally in the hope that it will be conveyed well to the recipient of the message. In receiving da'wah messages, the communication style used by a da'i is considered important to attract the attention of the mad'u so that the da'wah message is well received by the mad'u. The problem in this study is how the communication style used by Ning Umi Laila in the live Comal Pemalang. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive, using Norton's communication style which will produce descriptive data that is emphasized as deeply as possible through the theory of the communication style. The results of this study provide an answer to the problem that the author found several communication styles used by Ning Umi Laila in delivering her lectures. This is in line with the 10 communication styles according to Norton that are applied in the parts of Ning Umi Laila's lectures, namely friendly communication style, animated style, dominant style, dramatic style, open style, argumentative style, relaxed style, attentive style, precise style, and memorable leaving style. Furthermore, for the intonation used by Ning Umi Laila in delivering her lecture using these communication styles, namely dynamic intonation, tempo intonation, and high-pitch intonation in the context of cheerfulness. date: 2024-08-19 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Zumrotus Sa’adah, NIM.: 20102010085 (2024) GAYA KOMUNIKASI DAKWAH NING UMI LAILA PADA LIVE COMAL PEMALANG. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.