%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Fathika Luthfi Adhana, NIM.: 20104030043 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2024 %F digilib:67059 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Media Pembelajaran, Tari Tradisional Reog Ponorogo, Kecerdasan Kinestetik, Anak Usia Dini %P 133 %T PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA VIDEO TARI TRADISIONAL REOG PONOROGO UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KECERDASAN KINESTETIK ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUN %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/67059/ %X Local wisdom is one of the main theme projects for strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile and the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Profile (P5 PPRA), which mandates the RA (Raudlatul Athfal) education unit to develop this theme according to children's development needs. However, in reality there are still RA institutions in Ponorogo that have not implemented local wisdom in learning. This research aims to develop learning media in the form of traditional Reog Ponorogo dance videos to make it easier for educators to introduce local wisdom while improving the kinesthetic intelligence of young children. The research method uses a type of research and development (Research and Development) using the development model proposed by Sugiyono, consisting of 10 steps including: (1) Potential and Problems, (2) Data Collection, (3) Product Design, (4) Design Validation , (5) Design Revision, (6) Product Trial, (7) Product Revision, (8) Usage Trial, (9) Product Revision, (10) Mass Production. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation, questionnaires and documentation. The total research subjects were 17 children aged 5-6 years at BA 'Aisyiyah M and BA 'Aisyiyah K. The development results obtained a feasibility score from material experts of 84% with very valid criteria and media experts of 76% with valid criteria. Meanwhile, the teacher's practicality score was 82% with very practical criteria. And the results of trials used to measure media effectiveness obtained a percentage of 86.3% with very good criteria. These results show that the traditional Reog Ponorogo dance video media is effective in improving the kinesthetic intelligence of children aged 5-6 years. %Z Pembimbing: Bahtiar Arbi, S.Pd., M.Pd.