%A NIM.: 20106050079 Irvan Prima Prasetyo %O Pembimbing: Agung Fatwanto, S.Si., M.Kom., Ph.D. %T RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI PENGUKURAN MCCABE SYSTEM COMPLEXITY DAN HALSTEAD COMPLEXITY BERBASIS PROTOTYPING %X Mccabe Complexity and Halstead Complexity measurement software is software that has an important role in the development of software systems. In software development, developers often have difficulty making decisions regarding designs and systems that are suitable according to the criteria desired by the user. This software aims to help developers make the right decisions, providing an idea of how complex the system will be to help develop software. The development of this complexity measurement software starts from February 15 to June 10 2024, going through several stages starting from initial system design, creating a system prototype, creating features from the McCabe metric and also the Halstead metric, followed by testing with test data. Features of McCabe complexity which measures the complexity of the program from calculating Nodes and Edges. Meanwhile, in terms of the Halstead metric, apart from measuring the complexity of the program from its Operands and Operators, the Halstead metric also includes features that can measure Comment Line, Blank Line and Line of Code. The design of this complexity measurement application provides insights and software that can assist in decision making in software development. It is hoped that the results of this design can help developers and researchers in the future in developing software that focuses on measuring program complexity. %K Perangkat Lunak, McCabe Complexity, Halstead %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib67430