%A NIM.: 20106060059 Arifah Aulia Zahra %O Pembimbing: Prof. Ir. Dwi Agustina Kurniawati, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D, IPM, ASEAN Eng. %T ANALISIS BEBAN KERJA MENTAL MENGGUNAKAN METODE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION TASK LOAD INDEX (NASA-TLX) PADA CV XYZ %X In the era of globalization, industries require technological innovation to maintain competitiveness and achieve company objectives. Human resources (HR) play a crucial role in company performance, and effective HR management is essential to ensuring optimal internal synergy. Imbalanced mental workload, whether too high or too low, can decrease employee performance, impacting production efficiency and commitment. CV XYZ, a Bottled Drinking Water (AMDK) company in Magelang Regency, is experiencing a high turnover rate, particularly in the production department. Turnover has reached 30%, well above the company's standard of only 10%. One of the main factors contributing to this high turnover is excessive employee workload. This study uses the NASA-TLX method to measure and evaluate the mental workload of employees at CV XYZ, aiming to identify the contributing factors and find solutions to improve performance and reduce turnover. The study found that the average WWL (Workload Level) for employees in the production division is 77.23, indicating a high mental workload. The most influential indicators are Physical Demand (21.44%), Time Demand (20.41%), Effort (17.95%), Performance (17.17%), and Mental Demand (13.89%). This study is expected to provide valuable insights for the company in creating a better work environment and improving overall production quality. %K Beban Kerja Mental, NASA TLX, Uji Keseragaman, Diagram Fishbone %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib67435