%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Gunawan Harjudanta, NIM.: 19103070017 %B FAKULTAS SYARI'AH DAN HUKUM %D 2024 %F digilib:67464 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Constitutional Complaint, Konflik Agraria, Hak Asasi Manusia. %P 106 %T URGENSI CONSTITUTIONAL COMPLAINT MELALUI MAHKAMAH KONSTITUSI DALAM PENANGANAN KONFLIK AGRARIA DI INDONESIA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/67464/ %X Agrarian conflicts that occur in Indonesia are currently a big issue to be resolved by the government. Many cases of agrarian conflicts have never been resolved in their resolution. So a regulation, policy or authority is needed so that the conflict can be completely resolved and restore the constitutional rights of citizens. as for this study, it discusses the Urgensi constitutional complaint through the constitutional court in handling agrarian conflicts, this study will also discuss human rights reviews and also maslahah mursalah about the Urgency of constitutional complaint through the constitutional court in handling agrarian conflicts. In this study, the author uses normative juridical legal research methods in a leatherative manner (library research). the writing collects literature related to the object of research. both in the form of books, theses, journals, and laws. this research is descriptive-analytical in nature by providing an overview of an object of results and analyzing the data that has been collected. the theoretical framework in this study uses a review of human rights theory and maslahah mursalah theory. The case of agrarian conflict in Indonesia has never been separated from government interference. In handling efforts can never be resolved, resulting in cases of agrarian conflicts never being resolved. In human rights studies, agrarian conflict is seen as an issue that sidelines humanity because in its resolution there is violence and also coercion to hand over land and sometimes land compensation is not in accordance with expectations. The authority of Constitutional Complaint through the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia will be a major blow to the arbitrariness of public officials in running the wheels of government and will be a limitation of authority that respects the constitutional rights of citizens. Because in practice if the constitutional rights of citizens are violated or revoked through a policy made by public officials, it can be complained to the Constitutional Court %Z Pembimbing: Gugun El Guyanie, S.HI., LL.M