%A NIM.: 20103040099 Muhammad Rafi Suddha Kusuma
%O Pembimbing: Dr. Wardatul Fitri, M.H
%X Village treasury land is land originating from state ownership granted to the village for the benefit of the village itself, as affirmed in Article 76 of Law Number 06 of 2014 concerning Villages. In line with the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 22 of 1996 concerning the Procurement, Management, and Development of Village Treasury Land, it is a potential source of income that can be developed. Therefore, the urgency of regulating the procurement and development of village treasury land becomes very important, considering the role of village treasury land in empowering and developing villages, especially in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. However, regulations must be continuously updated to meet legal needs. This research discusses Consumer Protection in Land Sales Cases Involving Legal Defects (A Case Study of the Misuse of Village Treasury Land in Maguwoharjo).
The type of research used in this thesis is normative-juridical research, which is a type of research conducted by examining literature materials such as books, journals, dictionaries, and others, as well as using secondary data.
The results of this research are that consumer protection in the case of land sales involving legal defects, conducted by PT Indonesia International Capital towards consumers, specifically buyers of housing units in Kandara Village Maguwoharjo who have fully paid, has not yet been fair. This is because buyers have not received what should be their rights as consumers, namely to obtain transparent information regarding the purchased unit and the validity of the documents in the sales agreement, which contains legal defects. According to Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, Article 7, the developer as the producer has not fulfilled its obligations, resulting in losses for the consumers. To this day, PT Indonesia International Capital as the producer has not taken any responsibility towards the consumers who purchased units in Kandara Village. According to Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, Article 7, the producer is obliged to provide compensation, indemnification, or replacement for losses suffered by consumers due to goods, in this case, the Kandara Village housing units, that do not comply with the agreed terms. The form of responsibility includes compensation in the form of replacement housing units or a refund.
%K Perlindungan Konsumen, Tanah Kas Kalurahan, Cacat Hukum
%D 2024
%L digilib67493