@phdthesis{digilib67497, month = {July}, title = {IMPLEMENTASI UU ITE TERHADAP INFLUENCER YANG MEMPROMOSIKAN JUDI ONLINE MELALUI MEDIA SOSIAL (STUDI DI KEPOLISIAN DAERAH JAWA BARAT)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 20103040128 Muhammad Irfan Zulfa}, year = {2024}, note = {Pembimbing: Farrah Syamala Rosyda, M.H}, keywords = {Penegakan Hukum, Endorsement, Influencer, Perjudian Online, Media Sosial.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/67497/}, abstract = {The rapid development of technology and information in the field of internet has led to a new crime pattern called cyber crime. An example of a new criminal offense in the internet world is online gambling, which is now widely played and favored by the public. One of the factors for the development of this criminal offense is the dissemination or promotion of online gambling sites by Influencers through social media. The provisions governing this matter are actually listed in Article 27 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph (2) of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning ITE. However, in reality in the field there are still rampant criminal acts. This can be an indicator that law enforcement efforts by the Police as the first gate in the criminal justice system in Indonesia are still not optimal. Based on this, there are several problems to be raised including: 1) How are law enforcement efforts by the West Java Regional Police in implementing the ITE Law against Influencers who promote online gambling through social media. 2) What are the factors that influence the effectiveness of law enforcement by the West Java Regional Police against the rampant cases of Influencers promoting online gambling on social media. The theories used in this research are Law Enforcement Theory and Criminal Policy Theory. The type of research used is included in field research with a juridical-empirical approach. The data collection technique is done by observation and interview. As for the analysis method, it is carried out with a qualitative analysis method by analyzing the description of the data obtained in the field and linking it to the laws and regulations. The results of this study obtained that law enforcement efforts by the West Java Regional Police in handling cases of Influencers who promote online gambling sites through social media are carried out in 2 (two) ways, namely preventive efforts (prevention) and repressive efforts (prosecution). Preventive efforts emphasize more on educational activities for all elements of society both directly in the field and through social media. For repressive efforts, namely by making efforts such as cyber patrols, cooperation with related agencies, international cooperation, investigations, investigations in accordance with the provisions in the ITE Law and KUHAP. In addition, there are several factors that can affect the effectiveness of law enforcement by the Police, including public legal awareness, adequate facilities and infrastructure, the capability of the apparatus in accordance with their fields, synergy of cooperation between related agencies, and the clarity of regulations and strict sanctions.} }