%A NIM.: 20203011073 Muhammad Uwais Al Qarni, S.H. %O Pembimbing: Dr. Gusnam Haris, S. Ag., M. Ag. %T JAMINAN DALAM TRANSAKSI JUAL BELI ONLINE (E-COMMERCE) DITINJAU DALAM HUKUM BISNIS SYARI’AH (KHIYAR ATAU GARANSI) %X Guarantees in e-commerce transactions are binding regulations for the parties to reach an agreement. Through online transactions on E-Commerce, business actors can reduce marketing costs and help consumers save time and money, but the use of online transactions on e-commerce has a negative impact, especially for consumers, such as getting goods that do not match the information provided by business actors and lack of guarantees or protection for consumers in the transaction actors. This study is a case study on online transaction guarantees through e-commerce, one of which is Shopee as one of the online media in Indonesia that uses a marketplace business model. The purpose of this study is to conduct a review of sharia business law on khiyar and guarantees in online sales guarantees through e-commerce. This study uses a qualitative research method. The data used is primary data, data collection using documentation and interview methods. The primary data source in this study is the seller and buyer informants who make transactions through e-commerce. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of khiyar in Online Sales and Purchases through e-commerce, from the results of interviews in the field, in terms of the implementation of the resolution center shows that it is close to the concept of khiyar. However, the khiyar process is still not fully realized, for example in the case of some traders who do not fully understand the concept of khiyar in Islam, only a few understand it. In the analysis of the similarity of khiyar with the resolution of online sales guarantees on e-commerce, 3 (types) of khiyar were found. First, khiyar majlis, in online sales through e-commerce there is no khiyar majlis because the buyer and seller do not meet directly. Second, khiyar 'aib, on shopee khiyar 'aib is applied to the resolution center with a choice of solutions (warranty) to exchange goods according to the order. Third, khiyar conditions, on e-commerce khiyar conditions are not agreed upon in every transaction between the seller and the buyer because on the e-commerce online sales site there are already standard regulations. This study also found factors that influence the neglect of the khiyar principle, namely the neglect of the sale and purchase agreement, lack of socialization of religious knowledge, and lack of awareness and sympathy. %K Jaminan, Khiyar, Hukum Bisnis Syari’ah %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib67589