%A NIM.: 22203011088 Felia Wati, S.H. %O Pembimbing: Dr. Lindra Darnela, S.Ag., M.Hum. %T DINAMIKA SALISIAH ADAIK DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP PERKAWINAN MASYARAKAT MINANGKABAU %X Indonesia has a diversity of cultures and customs, including in this case is the tradition of marriage in Minangkabau as happened in salisiah adaik marriage, namely the tradition of bajapuik and maisi suduik between the people of Padang Pariaman Regency and Lima Puluh Kota Regency. Related to this, the community has different views on this tradition, some consider it complicated and burdensome, while others accept custom as an integral part of social life. This study aims to analyze, first: how the influence of salisiah adaik on the continuity of marriage in Minangkabau society. Second: How is the interpretation and attitude of the community towards the marriage practice of salisiah adaik between the bajapuik tradition and the maisi suduik tradition. This research uses a qualitative method with phenomenological theory by Alfred Schutz. This helps to explore and understand the experiences and perceptions of the Minangkabau community regarding the practice of salisiah adaik marriage. Primary data was collected through in-depth interviews with traditional leaders, cadiak pandai, and indigenous people and other supporting data such as literature, books, journals, articles that are literature. The data analysis method is carried out with descriptive-analysis to identify key themes found from field data. Nagari Andiang and Nagari Tandikat are the main focus of this research. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that, first, salisiah adaik or differences in customs can cause various influences and challenges during the implementation of marriage, such as refusal of blessing from the Mamak, difficulties in submitting marriage registration administration, and can cause delays in marriage. Second, salisiah adaik plays a substantial role in shaping social and cultural dynamics in Minangkabau. The practice of salisiah adaik in this custom there is a strong correlation between subjective and intersubjective understanding that shows differentiation. This research is expected to contribute to the understanding of local culture in West Sumatra and become the basis for finding solutions in overcoming conflicts that arise due to differences in customs through reconstruction and redefinition of more adaptive customs. %K Tradisi Bajapuik, Maisi Suduik, Salisiah Adaik, Perkawinan Adat, Minangkabau %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib67649