%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Nuri Nur Khalimah, NIM.: 04441023 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2008 %F digilib:67924 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Indikator Alami, Asam Cuka, Titrasi Asam Basa %P 91 %T PENGEMBANGAN PEMANFAATAN INDIKATOR ALAMI UNTUK PROSEDUR PENENTUAN KADAR ASAM CUKA SECARA TITRASI ASAM BASA DENGAN BERBAGAI INDIKATOR ALAMI (SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF BAHAN PRAKTIKUM TITRASI ASAM BASA DI SMA/MA) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/67924/ %X Natural substances utilization developed as natural indicators of base acid titration is carried out in this research. The purpose of this research is to know the appropriateness and accuracy of the three natural indicators used in the determination of acetic acid content, and to know the availability of different acetic acid contents resulting from base acid titration measurement between that of using three natural indicators and that of using pp indicator, and whether or not this research is to be used as one of the alternatives of chemistry lab work's material for SMA/MA in the Primary Items on Base Acid Titration. Croton folliages, frangipani, and soka flowers growing in Sapen village, Dernangan, Yogyakarta were used as population. Croton volliages, frangipani and soka flowers picked from one of Sapen inhabitant's homeyards, Dernangan, Yogyakarta were treated as samples. Each of these samples were converted into solution with mass variations 2,5 gr, 5 gr, and 7 gr using alcoholic solvent 70% and 95%. Independent variable is types of indicator used to determine end point of titration, that is natural indicator, and it's dependent variable is acetic acid content resulted from titration. Chemical analysis applied is quantitative analysis of acetic acid with base acid titration method and acetic acid in the form of molar. This experiment was carried out with ten ( 10) repetitions. Data obtained were tested with t-test at signification level 5%. Acetic acid content with pp indicator, croton folliage, frangipani, and soka flower indicators with variations 2,5 gr, 5 gr, 7,5 gr in 40 ml alcoholic solvent 70% consecutively 0,955 M, 0,980 M, 1,025 M, 1,000 M, 1,045 M, 0,980 M, 0,975M, 1,030 M, l ,00M, 1,305 M, whereas in alcoholic solvent 95% consecutively 0,995 M, 0,995 M, 1,010 M, 2,150 M, 1,170 M, 1,445 M, 1,210 M, 1,205 M, I, 140 M. These results after being adjusted for the KTSP of chemistry subject, could be used as one of chemistry lab work material alternatives for SMA/MA students at grade XII more specifically on base acid Titration Primary Items. Its application with experiment is carried out through LKS (Student's Paper Sheet Work) system %Z Pembimbing: Dra. Das Salirawati M.Si,