%A NIM.: 20103080008 Akmal Fauzi Triharyanto
%O Pembimbing: Muhammad Ulul Albab Musaffah, Lc.,M.H.
%X The practice of moving battery chips is a service from the iPhone Wapple.Id service in West Adiarsa Village, Karawang Regency. A battery chip transfer service is the process of moving a battery chip from an old original iPhone battery to a fake new iPhone battery. This service is offered Wapple.Id to consumers who want to replace their wasteful iPhone batteries. The purpose of the battery chip transfer service is so that the fake new battery can be detected by the iPhone's settings system, so that the iPhone can read the fake new battery like the original battery. This battery chip transfer service infringes on the intellectual property rights of Apple Inc. because this service is used so that the use of counterfeit battery components can be compatible like the original battery.
This research is qualitative with a descriptive approach of analysis. This research is carried out by collecting data according to what happens in the field, by means of interviews, observations, and documentation, then the data is analyzed and described according to actual events, and occurrences in the field.
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the practice of moving iPhone battery chips in Wapple.Id Karawang Regency violates the intellectual property rights of Apple inc. and causes losses to Apple inc. The use of counterfeit batteries infringes on three intellectual property rights, namely copyright, brand rights, and patents. Meanwhile, the battery chip transfer service is provided to make fake battery components so that they are still compatible with iPhone products. This is a further attempt to infringe on intellectual property rights against Apple Inc. which is not in accordance with the concept of unity, the concept of justice, the concept of free will, and the concept of responsibility from the axioms of Islamic business ethics. Therefore, the practice of this battery chip moving service is not in accordance with Islamic business ethics.
%K Cip Baterai Iphone, Kekayaan Intelektual, Etika Bisnis Islam
%D 2024
%L digilib68347