%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Azizah Nur Khalifah, NIM.: 19103080015 %B FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM %D 2024 %F digilib:68348 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Pertanggungan Risiko, Syirkah ‘Inan, Asas Keadilan, Tawazun %P 118 %T TINJAUAN HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP PERTANGGUNGAN RISIKO DALAM KERJA SAMA USAHA AYAM BROILER (STUDI KASUS PT LARAS SEJATI DENGAN JONUTS CHICKEN FARM) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/68348/ %X In terms of cooperation, the parties certainly have their risks; if the risks occur, the parties must be accounted for so as not to harm other people or the collaborating parties. Risk coverage is a protective mechanism to assist business actors in managing potential risks. Under Islamic law, risk coverage for broiler chicken businesses considers aspects of justice and balance. This research aims to analyze the cooperation practices between the limited liability company (PT) of Laras Sejati and Jonuts Chicken Farm, especially regarding risk coverage. The focus of this research is to evaluate whether the distribution of risks in this collaboration follows Islamic law's principles of justice and balance, given that farmers often bear a greater burden of risk, which could potentially violate Sharia principles governing fairness in cooperation. The type of research was field research with a normative approach. The author interviewed the owner of Jonuts Chicken Farm. Syirkah ‘Inan is business cooperation between two or more people without any conditions. Risk can be interpreted as a form of uncertainty about a situation that will occur. The principle of justice bases all rights and obligations on Sharia law's principle of truth. Tawazun is a person's attitude when choosing a balanced or fair point in dealing with a problem. The results showed that the practice of broiler chicken farming cooperation between PT Laras Sejati and Jonuts Chicken Farm was based on Islamic law, namely Syirkah ‘Inan. Additionally, this collaboration fulfilled the pillars and requirements of the Syirkah 'Inan agreement. This was allowed by the Sharia Economic Law and the agreement of legal scholars from Syirkah 'Inan. Meanwhile, based on the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law (KHES) Article 117 Paragraph 1, Fiqh rules, and an official statement of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), risk coverage in the broiler chicken farming collaboration between PT Laras Sejati and Jonuts Chicken Farm was not by the provisions of Syirkah 'Inan and did not meet the principles of justice and balance. Because of the distribution of risk coverage in this cooperation agreement, there was an injustice and balance. Hence, the breeder bore all the losses due to risks from environmental factors due to nature (Force Majeure), which should be shared proportionally according to the capital spent by both parties. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Kholid Zulfa, M.Si