%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Tri Gani Saputra, NIM.: 20105010026 %B FAKULTAS USHULUDDIN DAN PEMIKIRAN ISLAM %D 2024 %F digilib:68527 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Tradisi Sesajen, Makna Sesajen, Hermeneutika Clifford Geertz, Thick Description %P 93 %T TRADISI SESAJEN DALAM ACARA TAHLIL PASCA KEMATIAN DI DESA KEJAWANG; TINJAUAN HERMENEUTIKA CLIFFORD GEERTZ %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/68527/ %X This research examines the tradition of sesajen in the post-death tahlil event in Kejawang Village. The village is unique in that the life of the community cannot be separated from the tradition of sesajen, including in religious rituals, which in this case is the post-death tahlil event. In the event, various sesajen become one of the requirements when the event is held. Then the offerings become a symbol in praying and conveying messages of advice by village elders to the congregation. Therefore, researchers see that it is necessary to raise or explore the deepest meaning of the tradition. The approach that researchers use is a hermeneutic approach with Clifford Geertz's hermeneutic theory. In Clifford Geertz's hermeneutic theory, there is a method called Thick Description. The method aims to describe in detail and in depth related to the sesajen tradition so that the hidden meaning behind the symbols and their relationship to other things outside of this meaning can be known. In obtaining research data, researchers used observation, interview and documentation methods. The result of this research is that the offerings are a medium in education and a medium in praying to God. Sesajen as a medium of education means that each offering has a meaning that contains advice or knowledge conveyed by village elders to worshipers. While offerings as a means of praying to God means that offerings are a symbol of prayer or hope to God. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Fahruddin Faiz S.Ag., M.Ag