%0 Thesis
%9 Skripsi
%A Muhammad Zainul Muttaqin, NIM.: 17105010017
%D 2024
%F digilib:68559
%K Abu Hasan Asy-Syadzli, Mahabbah, Manusia Modern
%P 82
%U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/68559/
%X This thesis is titled "The Concept of Mahabbah in the Thought of Abu Hasan Ash-Shadzili." This  research is motivated by today's human conditions that face various problems, one of which is  existential problems, namely the strong desire of humans to be recognized. Humans need the  presence of friends who can become companions or loved ones. Through love, humans realize  their existence becomes meaningful. Modern humans need love, because without love, they will  feel empty within themselves. Therefore, the author believes that the teaching of mahabbah in the  context of Sufism can be a solution for the lives of modern humans. This study raises the figure of  Abu Hasan Ash-Shadzili and discusses the teachings of mahabbah that he taught.  This study formulates two problem formulations, namely: 1) how is the concept of mahabbah in  the thought of Abu Hasan Ash-Syadzili? , 2) how is the significance of Abu Hasan Ash-Syadzili's  mahabbah in the context of today's times? The concept of mahabbah in the view of Abu Hasan  Ash-Shadzili and its significance in the context of today is the main objective in this research.  Library research is the method in this research, with a data analysis method that involves reading,  writing, and collecting information from various sources. This research also uses a historical  approach used to analyze the life history of Abu Hasan Asy-Syadzili. The primary data used in  this research is the Kitab Risalatul al-Amin, while secondary data, which serves as support,  consists of various writings relevant to the theme of this research.  The description of the results of this study is the concept of mahabbah in the view of Abu Hasan  Ash-Shadzili, namely, the love of a believer to Allah. Mahabbah is a feeling in the heart of a  believer. According to Abu Hasan Ash-Syadzili, the foundation in practicing mahabbah is  intention, tawhid, muqorrobah, zuhud and wara', uzlah, and dhikr. The relevance of Abu Hasan  Ash-Shadzili's mahabbah to modern life today is relevant because Abu Hasan Ash-Shadzili in  mahabbah also sees aspects of life in this world and in the hereafter in a balanced manner. The  concept of Abu Hasan Ash-Syadzli's mahabbah is also very easy to understand and understand
%Z Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. H. Zuhri, S.Ag, M, Ag