@article{digilib690, month = {March}, title = {MENGENAL KONSEP RELATIVITAS}, author = { MURTONO}, publisher = {Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta}, year = {2009}, journal = {/Jurnal/Kaunia/Volume I, No. 2, Oktober 2005/}, keywords = {relatifitas, fisika, al-Quran}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/690/}, abstract = {bEverything in the world is relative in character, depends on frame of reference measurement. If physical quantities are measured by different frame of reference they will indicate the different amount. Length of an object will change when it is measured by an observer which relatively motions. Time earns briefer or longer when it is measured by observer which relative motion, and so does the mass, momentum or level energy. All measurements of physical quantities have to fulfill the specific relativity postulate. Based on the argument, this article tries to discuss the concept of relativity in physics and Quranic perspective.} }