eprintid: 692 rev_number: 1 eprint_status: archive userid: 8 dir: disk0/00/00/06/92 lastmod: 2012-05-04 16:39:04 status_changed: 2012-05-04 16:39:04 type: article metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Susy Yunita Prabawati, title: INTISARI ANALISIS ASAM AMINO DALAM CUMI-CUMI (TODARODES PASIFICUS) ispublished: pub full_text_status: none keywords: asam amino, cumi-cumi, analisis abstract: bAnalysis of amino acids content in some samples of squid (Todarodes pasificus) have been conducted by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and to improve the sensitivity of detection, the amino acids were derivated with phenylisothiocyanate (PITC). This research was aimed to study the performance of HPLC method for the separation of amino acids resulted from the hydrolysis of protein. The result showed that PITC was successfully used as derivating substance in the analysis of amino acids resulted in acidic hydrolysis using H Cl 6 M for 24 hours at 110 oC, produced PTHamino acids, which were able to absorb the energy at the range of UV-Vis, i.e. l=254 nm. The HPLC’s method using Shim-pack CLC-ODS (C-18) colum, (6 mm I.D x 15 cm L) and 5 mm particle with the gradient elusion technique was successfully used to separate the amino acids produced from hydrolysis of squid. It was also shown that the composition of amino acids in the samples squid were hystidine, arginine, proline, and leucine. date: 2009-03-25 publication: /Jurnal/Kaunia/Volume I, No. 2, Oktober 2005/ publisher: Fakultas Sain dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yog refereed: TRUE referencetext: 1 update terakhir : 2009-03-25 09:15:31 ; nama file diserver lama : digilib-uinsuka--susyyunita-1429-1-susyyun-).pdf ; letak file diserver lama : ./files/disk1/29/digilib-uinsuka--susyyunita-1429-1-susyyun-).pdf ; url download server lama : /download.php?id=1811 ; nama file lama : SUSY YUNITA PRABAWATI - INTISARI ANALISIS ASAM AMINO DALAM CUMI-CUMI (TODARODES PASIFICUS).pdf ; format file : application/pdf ; besar file : 281722 ; 1 1 update terakhir : 2009-03-25 09:15:31 ; nama file diserver lama : digilib-uinsuka--susyyunita-1429-1-susyyun-).pdf ; letak file diserver lama : ./files/disk1/29/digilib-uinsuka--susyyunita-1429-1-susyyun-).pdf ; url download server lama : /download.php?id=1811 ; nama file lama : SUSY YUNITA PRABAWATI - INTISARI ANALISIS ASAM AMINO DALAM CUMI-CUMI (TODARODES PASIFICUS).pdf ; format file : application/pdf ; besar file : 281722 ; Copyright � 2009 by Perpustakaan Digital UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted by author in any medium, provided this notice is preserved. citation: Susy Yunita Prabawati, (2009) INTISARI ANALISIS ASAM AMINO DALAM CUMI-CUMI (TODARODES PASIFICUS). /Jurnal/Kaunia/Volume I, No. 2, Oktober 2005/.