           month = {December},
          author = {NIM.: 20104090083 Muhammad Hudan Hifdzi},
            year = {2024},
            note = {Dra. Wiji Hidayati, M. Ag},
        keywords = {Manajemen Pendiidkan,  Kurikulum, Kurikulum Terpadu},
             url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/69853/},
        abstract = {Education is an important process that lasts throughout human life to improve character and smarten the lives of citizens. Curriculum plays an important role in achieving educational goals. Indonesia has experienced several curriculum changes since the Reformation, including the Independent Curriculum. Meanwhile, the curriculum in the Islamic boarding school world is called manhaj which generally contains the books that are taught. Thus, curriculum integration between Islamic boarding schools and madrasas emerged as an answer to the needs of the times, with a focus on building the character of students. So, this research is intended to find out Therefore, this study is intended to analyze, 1). the implementation of integrated curriculum management in MA Science Al-Quran, 2). the integrated learning model in MA Science Al-Quran, and 3). to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of the integrated curriculum in MA Science Al-Quran.
This study uses a qualitative method. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed by means of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Meanwhile, the data validity technique uses source triangulation.
This study found that. first, integrated curriculum management in MA Science Al-Quran Malang is divided into, 1). activity planning is carried out at the beginning of each school year with the activities of formulating the objectives, vision and mission of the madrasah, identifying the needs of organizing materials or curriculum structures, 2). organization is carried out specifically by adding subject teaching materials, and adding programs that are characteristic of Islamic boarding schools, 3) the implementation of the curriculum in MA Science Al-Quran is divided into two, namely the implementation of the curriculum and supervision of the implementation of the curriculum, and 4). curriculum evaluation, in the evaluation of learning carried out by teachers, namely summative assessment, formative assessment, and authentic assessment. In the end-of-year evaluation there is a Madrasah Self-Evaluation which is used in the preparation of the RKJM and RKT of the madrasah. Second, the integrated learning model in MA Science Al-Quran uses a connected model, this model elaborates between religious knowledge and science which are under the umbrella of the concept of one of the PAI subject groups or general subject groups. Third, supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of the integrated curriculum in MA Sains Al-Quran, namely supporting factors for planning, namely the commitment of madrasah educators and education personnel, the existence of external networks, human resources, facilities and infrastructure, and MGMP activities. Implementation of the curriculum, namely qualified resources, learning that is not too difficult to implement, Deputy
for Student Affairs. Evaluation, namely the implementation of evaluations that are easy to understand. Meanwhile, inhibiting factors for planning, namely the absence of teachers in technical guidance activities, teacher discipline. Implementation, namely the lack of available facilities, curriculum training, learning access, time allocation. Evaluation, namely the lack of teacher knowledge and the lack of time allocation.}