%A Murtono %J /Jurnal/Kaunia/Volume 4, No. 2, Oktober 2008/ %T KONSEP CAHAYA DALAM AL-QURAN DAN SAINS %X bThis article discussed about light in two perspectives: science and Al-Quran. Light is a physical quantities which the highest velocity in the world. The theory of light expands as the progress of science and civilization. The dualism properties of light (as waves and as particles) make them a special subject to develop science and technology. Al-Qur’an said that light become a guide for a human to develop the righ-way. It comes from Allah to anyone who desired. %K cahaya, gelombang, partikel. %D 2009 %I Fakultas Sain dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yog %L digilib714