%A NIM. 08650051 Ahmad Imaduddin %T PENGENALAN JARI TANGAN MANUSIA PADA SISTEM KAMERA PROYEKTOR SEBAGAI MOUSE POINTER %X The aim of this research is to knowing the position of the human finger on the camera-projector system that can be translated as a mouse pointer movement. This study uses camera calibration to gets an image that can be used for the background subtraction methods that compute between the generated image from system and an captured image from the camera. As for the human finger detection, this study uses contour for image segmentation methods that will be used to knowing the position of the fingers. The research start from hardware initiation, calibration phase, background subtraction, contour segmentation, and mouse pointer movement. This research tried to detect the number of the finger from a different hand state. Different hand state starts from the unfolded fingers to folded fingers. And this study uses different background to test the performance of the finger detection. The result shows that the number of the finger can be counted and get the coordinate x and y on the camera-projector system. The result of the finger detection is influenced by the different state of the hand that affect the shapes of the arm and by the different light and noise from the background. Keywords: camera calibration, background subtraction, contour for image segmentation, hand state, background, coordinate. %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib7208