%A NIM. 07650026 IZZATUL ISHLAHIYAH %T SISTEM INFORMASI REKAM MEDIS DI PUSKESMAS NANGGULAN KABUPATEN KULON PROGO %X Community Health Center is spearheading the realization of the vision and mission of the health department include improving the performance of health centers, by increasing public access to quality health care and health information systems. One effort to improve the service that is the storage of medical records of patients with either. Medical record itself is a file which contains information about the patient's records, anamnesis, patient examination, diagnosis, therapy, history of drug allergy patients, and whether the patient came with a new or old cases. For support in improving the quality of patient care should be supported in the management of medical records. This study aims to design and build information systems that can provide medical record information about patient's medical history that can be used by physicians as a reference in the examination and subsequent diagnosis to the patient decides thatIn addition to improving the quality of patient care by always providing the latest information to visitors about the clinic. This research method is done using the method SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) which contains the phases of analysis, design (design), coding, testing (testing) and maintenance (maintenance). This research uses tools PHP and MySQL as the database. System can provide information about PUSEKSMAS Nanggulan Kulonprogo, can manage criticism and suggestions provided visitors, managing the data collection officer, physician data collection, data collection clinic, physician schedules, disease information sharing, collection of drugs, patient data collection, patient registration, registration record medical, search, and reports. Searching can be done is search for a doctor, schedule a doctor, clinic, disease, and patient status. The resulting report is the official data reports, data reports the doctor, clinic reports, and drug data report. Keywords: Information Systems, Medical Records, Patient Service %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib7250