%A NIM. 08650052 JAN FARIS MAJD %T APLIKASI TASBIH DIGITAL PADA TELEPON GENGGAM BERBASIS ANDROID %X Remembering Allah is the duty of every Muslim. One way of remembering Allah is dhikr or tasbeeh. Dhikr can be done at any time, either at a time when after prayer breaks, take a break, or while working. To facilitate dhikr anywhere, traditional tasbeeh needs to be converted into digital and built on a mobile phone, for this study, which used mobile phones based on Android. The method used in this research is observation due to a lot of products that have been circulating in the market. 10 samples were taken and examined advantages and disadvantages of each product. Having obtained the advantages and disadvantages, then a brand new application was created that covers all of the advantages and mitigate all deficiencies. From the results of research and testing, showed that new applications that has been developed, it has all the useful features of the study, and got positive responses and can help users to dhikr. Key Word : Android, Tasbeeh, Dzikr, Digital. %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib7251