%A NIM: 08140107 Fauzan Dwi Kurniawan %T ANALISIS SITIRAN TERHADAP JURNAL FIHRIS TAHUN 2008 DAN KETERSEDIAAN KOLEKSI DI PERPUSTAKAAN UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %X Research on the citation analysis of Journal Fihris in 2008 and Collection Availability at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, aims to know: (1) the type of collection cited in the Journal Fihris and more dominant type of collection cited, (2) language of citation cited, then (3) how much the availability of collection cited. This study is a descriptive approach. As for the subjects in this research is Journal Fihris in 2008, that is 2 Journal with 20 titles of articles. While object in this study are all contained article in Journal Fihris 2008, that is 314 citation. The data were analyzed deskripstif, where the data obtained were tabulated, analyzed the data based on percentages and presented in tabular form. The results showed there were 11 types of collections with 314 quotations used in the Journal Fihris 2008 with details: the book as much as 131 (41.72%), followed by the source of the Internet 114 (36.31%), the journal 26 (8:30%), papers and research reports 24 (7.64%), dictionary 5 (1.60%), manual 5 (1.60%), encyclopaedia 3 (0.95%), magazine 3 (0.95%), glossary 1 (0.31%), law 1 (0.31%), and the thesis 1 (0.31%). There are two types of language used. Namely: the UK and Indonesia, with details of 204 (64.97%) and English 110 (35.03%) Indonesian. Availability of a collection of 185 titles were 43 (27.21%) and is not available is 142 (72.79%). Based of the calculation results, it was concluded that the availability of collection at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Library, that in supporting the writing of the Journal Fihris has not met. Recommended for technical training citing sources from the Internet held, procurement of improved collections, and stabilishing English collection. %D 2012 %K Citation Analysis, Journal Fihris, and Collection Availability. %I Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga %L digilib7280