relation: title: EFEKTIVITAS FASILITAS QUICK SEARCH DAN ADVANCED SEARCH SEBAGAI SARANA TEMU KEMBALI INFORMASI PADA OPAC PERPUSTAKAAN TEKNIK GEOLOGI UGM YOGYAKARTA creator: Hasbulloh Albanna, NIM: 05140001 subject: Ilmu Perpustakaan description: The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of quick search and advanced search facility as a means of information retrieval in OPAC, the library of Geology Engineering in University of Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, using precision study. This research is an experimental research, using samples taken from 52 course titles and 57 subject of undergraduate program in Geology Engineering, UGM Yogyakarta. The research was ran through directly testing the OPAC finder facility, namely quick search and advanced search, by using 5 different finding methods i.e. 2 finding methods on quick search, consists of tracing title keyword and title keyword with the phrase. While the advanced search using with 3 method i.e. tracing title keyword, title keyword with the phrase through title columns and tracing subject keyword with the phrase it’s only on subject columns. The data that was successfully collected then counted using precision formula, and then the researcher interpreted the level of effectiveness in 1 – 100 scoring scale. The result showed the quick search effectiveness in title keyword tracking method is (80,67) precision level, quick search in title keyword with the phrase method is (86,65) precision level. Meanwhile, the results of effectiveness research in advanced search using column title and title keyword is (77,54) precision level, advanced search using title column and title keyword with the phrase is (100) precision level, advanced search using subject column and subject keyword with the phrase is resulted to (85,82) precision level. Considering this result, we can conclude that quick search and advanced search in OPAC, the library of Geology Engineering, UGM Yogyakarta is very effective because the average value is at the range of 75,01 – 100. date: 2012-08-14 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Hasbulloh Albanna, NIM: 05140001 (2012) EFEKTIVITAS FASILITAS QUICK SEARCH DAN ADVANCED SEARCH SEBAGAI SARANA TEMU KEMBALI INFORMASI PADA OPAC PERPUSTAKAAN TEKNIK GEOLOGI UGM YOGYAKARTA. Skripsi thesis, Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga.