@phdthesis{digilib7285, month = {December}, title = {SINTESIS ZEOLIT DARI ABU DASAR BATUBARA DENGAN METODE PELEBURAN-HIDROTERMAL DAN UJI ADSORPSI TERHADAP RHODAMIN B }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 07630026 NISFI LAELA R. }, year = {2012}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/7285/}, abstract = {A research about making zeolite from coal bottom ash and as applicator adsorben has done. Include recite result characterization such as synthetic, zeolite synthetic and adsorpsi recite towards rhodamin B. The purpose of this research to study about zeolite ability in rhodamin B adsorption. Zeolite synthetic conduct through coal bottom ash dissolves with solid NaOH in 550 0C along 1 hour than hidrotermal in basa liquid 1000C with additional natrium silikat along 24 hours. Bottom ash and zeolite synthetic result characterization use spektrofotometer IR to know aim cluster. X-Ray difraction to know about cristalitation. The recite adsorption about rhodamin B, kinetic, and isothermal adsorpstion. Analysis result with spektrofotometer IR shows that zeolite has silanol cluster (Si-OH) and siloksan (Si-O-Si). Characterization result indicate that zeolite dominated by zeolite sodalite with establish frame cluster function is O-Si-O/OAl- O. Optimum adsorb condition with adsorb at 10 mg/L concentration and 0,5 g adsorption weight achieve at 30 minutes. Isothermal adsorption studied trough Langmuir and Freundlich similarity with linier graphic, from R2 Value. Find adsorption inclined follow isotherm Langmuir design. The adsorption capacity (b) rhodamin B by zeolite about -2,459x10-6 mol/g, Langmuir Constanta (K) is - 6,096x10-7 mol/L and Free Gibbs energy about -35,682 KJ/mol. Orde reacts in adsorption rhodamin B by zeolite disposed follow pseudo 2nd orde with fast reacts constanta value (k) is -1,363 (g/mg/min) and adsorption capacity (Qe) is 0, 652 mg/g. Keywords: bottom ash, zeolite, adsoption, rhodamin B } }