%A NIM. 08650095 NUR AVESINA MUSTARI %T APLIKASI ENKRIPSI SMS PADA SMARTPHONE ANDROID MENGGUNAKAN METODE VIGENERE CIPHER DENGAN MODIFIKASI PERSAMAAN FIBONACCI %X Android-based smartphones have features such as short message data transmission through the Short Message Service (SMS). But SMS is not secure facility so we need cryptography and cryptographic methods are one of the Vigenere cipher, Vigenere cipher but relatively easy to solve with this method therefore needs Kasiski unbreakable chipper uses the principle of ONE-TIME PAD, the Vigenere cipher key using the sequence of characters "random" throughout the plaintext by exploiting properties of Fibonacci numbers to satisfy the principle of ONE-TIME PAD. So the research aims to create applications based on Android Smartphone using Vigenere cipher with a modified Fibonacci equation. Applications developed with the method of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model waterfall. Vigenere Cipher using cryptographic methods and keys using the principle of ONE-TIME PAD with modifications equation Fibonacci on Android Smartphone version 4.0 or higher. SMS Application Encryption can encrypt outgoing SMS, incoming SMS decrypt and display it in the form of Conversations, and also stores data for each Key Contact data on Android based Smartphones Based on the Alpha test results are the results of the fit between the design of applications while data Beta test results showed that 22.22% of respondents strongly agree, agree 74.44%, 3.33% disagree, and strongly disagree that said 0%. Based on the test results, we can conclude SMS Encryption Applications 74.44% as agreed can be used. Keywords: Android, Short Message Service (SMS), ONE-TIME PAD ,Vigenere Cipher, Fibonacci. %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib7297