<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "SISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK\r\nDIAGNOSA DAN PENANGANAN PENYAKIT PADA\r\nBINATANG KUCING MENGGUNAKAN\r\nPROBABILITAS DAN TEOREMA BAYES\r\n"^^ . "Cats are animals that are very commonly found around us. For most\r\npeople, they prefer cats as pets. Knowledge of disease in animals cats needed by\r\nthe owner of the cat for take care their healthy. Problems often occur in the\r\ndiagnosis and treatment of disease in animals cats are public ignorance regarding\r\ninformation about cat diseases, and sometimes difficulty of experts / specialists\r\nmet in an emergency. Sometimes costly background specialists also lazy people\r\nbring their cats to the expert / veterinarian.\r\nIn this research built an expert system which can diagnose the disease in\r\ncats. This expert system knowledge base has 22 diseases and 100 disease clinical\r\nsymptoms. The method used in the development of expert systems is ESDLC\r\n(Expert System Development Life Cycle). Expert systems are built with webbased\r\nprogramming languages PHP and MySQL as database. Motor inference\r\nused is forward chaining. Expert systems provide an output diagnosis and\r\ntreatment of disease as well as probability values and bayes theorem based on the\r\nresults of consultations with related symptoms input by the user.\r\nBased on the issues and stages in the development of the system, it can be\r\nconcluded that the expert system can be useful to assist the public in knowing the\r\nknowledge of cat diseases, and the public may consult with an expert system to\r\ndetermine the diagnosis and treatment of disease in cats. Expert systems are also\r\nuseful as a tool for storing expert knowledge about cat illnesses. Hopefully with\r\nthis expert system the public can obtain information about cat diseases easily,\r\nquickly and accurately.\r\nKeywords: expert systems, knowledge base, cat diseases, forward chaining,\r\nprobability, bayes theorem, PHP, MySQL\r\n\r\n"^^ . "2013-02-07" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 08650005"^^ . "SEPTIANI PUTRI "^^ . "NIM. 08650005 SEPTIANI PUTRI "^^ . . . . . . "SISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK\r\nDIAGNOSA DAN PENANGANAN PENYAKIT PADA\r\nBINATANG KUCING MENGGUNAKAN\r\nPROBABILITAS DAN TEOREMA BAYES\r\n (Text)"^^ . . . "SISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK\r\nDIAGNOSA DAN PENANGANAN PENYAKIT PADA\r\nBINATANG KUCING MENGGUNAKAN\r\nPROBABILITAS DAN TEOREMA BAYES\r\n (Text)"^^ . . . "BAB I, VII, DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "SISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK\r\nDIAGNOSA DAN PENANGANAN PENYAKIT PADA\r\nBINATANG KUCING MENGGUNAKAN\r\nPROBABILITAS DAN TEOREMA BAYES\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "SISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK\r\nDIAGNOSA DAN PENANGANAN PENYAKIT PADA\r\nBINATANG KUCING MENGGUNAKAN\r\nPROBABILITAS DAN TEOREMA BAYES\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "SISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK\r\nDIAGNOSA DAN PENANGANAN PENYAKIT PADA\r\nBINATANG KUCING MENGGUNAKAN\r\nPROBABILITAS DAN TEOREMA BAYES\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "SISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK\r\nDIAGNOSA DAN PENANGANAN PENYAKIT PADA\r\nBINATANG KUCING MENGGUNAKAN\r\nPROBABILITAS DAN TEOREMA BAYES\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "SISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK\r\nDIAGNOSA DAN PENANGANAN PENYAKIT PADA\r\nBINATANG KUCING MENGGUNAKAN\r\nPROBABILITAS DAN TEOREMA BAYES\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "SISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK\r\nDIAGNOSA DAN PENANGANAN PENYAKIT PADA\r\nBINATANG KUCING MENGGUNAKAN\r\nPROBABILITAS DAN TEOREMA BAYES\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "SISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK\r\nDIAGNOSA DAN PENANGANAN PENYAKIT PADA\r\nBINATANG KUCING MENGGUNAKAN\r\nPROBABILITAS DAN TEOREMA BAYES\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "SISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK\r\nDIAGNOSA DAN PENANGANAN PENYAKIT PADA\r\nBINATANG KUCING MENGGUNAKAN\r\nPROBABILITAS DAN TEOREMA BAYES\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "SISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK\r\nDIAGNOSA DAN PENANGANAN PENYAKIT PADA\r\nBINATANG KUCING MENGGUNAKAN\r\nPROBABILITAS DAN TEOREMA BAYES\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #7317 \n\nSISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK \nDIAGNOSA DAN PENANGANAN PENYAKIT PADA \nBINATANG KUCING MENGGUNAKAN \nPROBABILITAS DAN TEOREMA BAYES \n\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Tehnik Informatika"@en . .