@phdthesis{digilib7324, month = {February}, title = {PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA DAN SASTRA INDONESIA TERHADAP PEMANFAATAN PERPUSTAKAAN OLEH SISWA KELAS XII SMK NEGERI 1 PEDAN KABUPATEN KLATEN }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 09141057 SRI RAHAYU }, year = {2013}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/7324/}, abstract = {Sri Rahayu (2013) Studies Influence Learning Indonesian Language and Literature Against the Use of Library By Class XII Students of SMK N 1 Pedan Klaten. This riset aims to determine the extent of learning Indonesian language and literature, the extent of use of the library and whether learning Indonesian language and literature can affect the use of the library by students of class XII SMK N 1 Pedan Klaten. The method used was descriptive quantitative research, this study used popolasi XII classes totaling 281 students and a sample of 20\% of the sample population is 56 students. In this study, there are two variables: the variable learning Indonesian language and literature and the variable use of the library. Techniques of data collection using questionnaires, documentation, observation and interviews. Analysis of the data using quantitative descriptive analysis presented in tables and figures then translated into sentences. To analyze each variable, the researchers used the formula grand mean and to analyze the extent of correlation between the two variables, the authors use colerasi product moment formula, the result of this calculation will be called with count r, then be grouped in tables interpretation colerasi product moment to find out how the degree of influence between the two variables. To test the hypothesis by comparing the r count with r table, if the r count {\ensuremath{>}} r table then the hypothesis is accepted and nor vice versa. The results of the data analysis using the grand mean, variable learning Indonesian language and literature belong to the category of high-value and 3,18 for the variable use of libraries belong to the category of very high with a value of 3,37. while for correlation analysis using the resulting product moment r colerasi count with the number 0,468, or r count {\ensuremath{>}} r table and can mean that the hypothesis is accepted. The conclusion of this study that there is a considerable influence between learning Indonesian language and literature of the use of the library by students of class XII SMK 1 Pedan Klaten. Advice to authors convey is further enhanced quality of teaching Indonesian language and literature that will be followed by an increase in use of the library. (Keyword: Indonesian Language and Literature, Utilization Library) } }