%A NIM. 07650019 UMI ‘ALIMATUL KHOIRIYAH %T SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN UNTUK PENILAIAN KINERJA DOSEN MENGGUNAKAN METODE ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY PROCESS (AHP) BERBASIS WEB (STUDI KASUS DI PUSAT PENJAMINAN MUTU SEKOLAH TINGGI TEKNOLOGI ADISUTJIPTO YOGYAKARTA) %X School of Technology Adisutjipto (STTA) is a private university located in Yogyakarta, which always seeks the continuous improvement of internal quality in order to compete with other universities. One effort that needs to be done is to conduct an assessment of faculty performance. The assessment is conducted to determine the effect of the teaching faculty of the student. However the assessment is still using the manual method so that faculty performance appraisal process to be slow and not accurate. This makes the need for a system that could manage faculty performance appraisal data and produces rank of lecturer weighting calculations. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a decision making model of comprehensive and structured. Moreover, the AHP method is widely used in solving problems that are multiobjective. Faculty performance appraisal contained in four basic criteria used were attendance, community service, research and teaching. The data value that has been entered will be managed and processed by the system using AHP and produces output in the form of total weight of each lecturer. From the weight value can be obtained rank of values lecturers are sorted from highest total weight value to the lowest. The results showed that the system is built to provide the results of the calculation according to the results of calculations performed manually. System is able to provide rank of alternative from the calculation of the lecturer weight value according to the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. From Alpha test results it can be concluded that the system successfully built as expected. And from Beta test results indicate that the system is feasible to be used. Keywords: AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), Decision Support Systems, Performance Assessment Lecturer, School of Technology Adisutjipto Yogyakarta. %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib7334