@phdthesis{digilib7367, month = {January}, title = {PRESEPSI PENGGUNA TERHADAP KUALITAS KOLEKSI DI PERPUSTAKAANUNIVERSITAS GALUH CIAMIS }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 08140123 SUSI }, year = {2013}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/7367/}, abstract = {This study discusses the user's perception of the book collections quality in Galuh University Library of Ciamis. This study aims to determine how the user's perception of the qualrty collections library in Galuh University of Ciamis. The population in this study is an active member of Galuh University of Ciamis library student with sampling techniques using Yamane formula and with a population of as many as 4.200 people obtained a sample of 98 respondents. Techniques used in the sampling technique is accidental / incidental sampling. This study included type of survey research with quantitative descriptive approach. Data collection using questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation. Test validity using Pemson Product Moment formula and reliability testing using Cronbach alpha formula. For the calculation of validity and reliability testing using SPSS 17 versions for Windows. Analysis of the data using formulas and Grand Mean with interval scale. Based on calculations using the Grand Mean of all indicators, the calculated value obtained by an average of 3.19. The proceeds from the interval analysis indicates that the user's perception of the quality collection belonging to either category and it can be concluded that the user's percepion of the quality collections in Galuh University Library by well categoized. The study is expected to provide input in Galuh University Library of Ciamis to further improve the quallty library collection to meet the greatest needs of library users. Keywords: User Perception, Quality Collectibles } }