%A NIM. 06240006 AKHMAD JAMALUDIN AZIZ %T MANAJEMEN ZAKAT LEMBAGA KEMANUSIAAN INDONESIA DANA KEMANUSIAAN DHUAFA MAGELANG %X This study discusses the zakat management in LKI DKD Magelang. LKI DKD Magelang is a charity organization that has its own management in the collection, management and utilization of zakat. Zakat management applied by LKI DKD Magelang amyl institute has managed to deliver a confidence in the government and society Magelang to eradicate poverty and help the poor. The research is based on the formulation of the problem which includes planning, organizing, directing and monitoring are summarized in the word management. The theory used to discuss about charity management, particularly in the collection, management and utilization of zakat in the LKI was a theory according to DKD Magelang Stpehen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter, management functions consist of planning functions, organiszing functions, the function of leadership (leading), and controlling functions. Qualitative research is a field by using the method of observation, interview and documentation where researchers go directly to the field to meet the subject and object of research. To ensure the validity of the research data, the researchers used a technique the validity of the research, namely the extension of participation and persistence in observation. The results of this study is the management of LKIs DKD Magelang planning stages consist of short-term programs and long-term program. The shortterm program consists of making secretarial, administrative requirements, and the completeness of the operational agencies. Short program contains information dissemination agencies, collection ZISWAF, ZISWAF utilization, monitoring mustahiq and cooperation with agencies and employers. Phase organizing are raising (fundraising) and utilization ZISWAF. Stage direction is done by coordinating the organization's programs through coordination meetings conducted as active as daily meetings, weekly meetings, monthly meetings and annual meetings. While the stage of supervision carried out directly by the board of trustees and director of the institute. Keywords: Management, LKI DKD Magelang, Empowerment of Zakat %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib7378