%A AHMAD FUAD EFFENDY %J Al Jamiah %T MANHAJ TALIM AL-LUGHA AL-ARABIYYA LI-GHAIR AL-NATIQIN BIHA %X There exists a triangular relation among the Quran, Arabic, and Muslim. Nevertheless, many of non-Arabic Muslims, in fact, do not understand the holly book due to linguistic barriers. In the present era of globalization, many educated people who are interested in understanding it possess no enough time to learn Arabic. Therefore, it is necessary to provide an Arabic learning program in order to be able to study it. This writing provides syllabus design for learning Arabic based on the newest concepts including objective, materials, method and evaluation system. The objective is to reach a restricted communicative-competence i.e. to listen and read the Quranic verses, and to develop the competence by self study. Meanwhile, the materials are Quranic verses selected on the basis of meaning of vocabularies, and of structures often utilized in it, completed with exercises. For the method, the combination between cognitive and reading method will be employed. %N No.2 %K syllabus, learning, materials, method and evaluation %V Vol.44 %D 2009 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga %L digilib742