%A NIM. 08730073 TIKA NOOR AFIFAH %T STRATEGI MARKETING MIX DALAM MENGOKOHKAN BRAND IMAGE (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif pada Restoran Omah Dhuwur di Kotagede Yogyakarta) %X Omah Dhuwur Restaurant is a restaurant located in the elite entrance gate Kotagede. The restaurant occupies a 200 years old building is located in a remote area that is in the village Kotagede, which is located quite far from the city. Additionally Omah Dhuwur restaurant also has a fairly expensive price range. And people around the restaurant is mostly from the middle buttom. So the writer wanted to know the marketing mix strategies that do Omah Dhuwur Restaurant. This research is titled "Strategies in Marketing Mix cemented Brand Image (Qualitative Descriptive Study on Omah Dhuwur Restaurants in Kotagede, Yogyakarta)". Underlying this study is that the authors wanted to know the marketing mix strategies that do Restaurants Omah Dhuwur that this restaurant could thrive until now even with a location away from urban areas and with a high price range. This research is processed using descriptive qualitative research methods. The method of data collection is conducted by way of indepth interviews and observation, which is expected to provide in-depth information so the writer can get accurate information about the marketing mix strategies that have been done in Omah Dhuwur strengthen brand image. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that if a line of business has its own uniqueness, without having positioning the products, an effort will be attached to its own image in the minds of consumers. As happened in the restaurant Omah Dhuwur this, the historical uniqueness of the product and location of the restaurant received a positive response from consumers, so that in itself is a restaurant attached image in the minds of consumers. Keywords : Marketing Mix, Brand Image, Omah Dhuwur Restaurant %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib7422