%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A IMAM BUKHORI, NIM. 08140112 %B FAKULTAS ADAB DAN ILMU BUDAYA %D 2012 %F digilib:7812 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %T HUBUNGAN ANTARA PERSEPSI SISWA TERHADAP FASILITAS PERPUSTAKAAN DAN KUNJUNGAN DI PERPUSTAKAAN MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI II YOGYAKARTA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/7812/ %X Research about connection perception betwen student with facility of library and visiting in library of state islam senior high school II Yogyakarta purpose to know how connection perception betwen student with facility of library and visiting in library of state islam senior high school II Yogyakarta and how much connection perception betwen student with facility of library and visiting in library of state islam senior high school II Yogyakarta. This research by using methode cuatitation description. Questionnaire be used writer as method analyzis data prime, observation, interview, documentation as complit methode. Variabel as used is independen variabel (connection perception betwen student with facility of library) and dependen variabel (visited librarian). Getting sampel with using accidental sampling manner, quantity sampel until 87 responden. Data analyzis as used methode correlation analyzis techniques. Data were processed using SPSS version 16 for windows 7 software. Result of receach deppen on that connection perception betwen student with facility of library in library senior high school islam II Yogyakarta category of good proof with grend mean until 3,05. But connection perception betwen student with visiting in library senior high school islam II Yogyakarta on enough category with reword grend mean 2,84. Next is there are positive influence and significan between library facility as visited from librarian in state islam senior high school II Yogyakarta. As result correlation that efesien high correlation between facility variabel and visited librarian are until 0,60. So r arithmetic > r table on level signification 5% (0,1785) and signification level 1% (0,2120). In library state senior high school II Yogyakarta more better had serviced rack of news, add the sit palce, library building, can be more condusy if there is nature floor until student not need risung down of floor. Keyword: library facility, visited by the librarian