%A NIM. 08140104 SARASWATI %T PERAN TAMAN BACA MASYARAKAT GUYUB RUKUN DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DI KELURAHAN BAUSASRAN KECAMATAN DANUREJAN YOGYAKARTA %X This research aims to investigate the roles that the Community‟s Reading Center“Guyub Rukun” has in empowering the people and the changes perceived by the people of Bausasran District, Danurejan Sub-district after joining the Reading Room‟s activities in empowering the people. This research is descriptive-qualitative and uses the method of observation, interview, documentation and library research to collect data. The data analysis process Miles dan Huberman in this research is collecting the data, reducing data, displaying data and verifying data. While the data validity technique is done by credibility test that consists of extension of observation, perseverance of observation, triangulation, use the reference materials, member check, transferability test, dependability test and confirmability test. The result of the research showed that the Community‟s Reading Center“Guyub Rukun” three roles which are education role, religion role and economic role. The change perceived by the people in the education field are: increasing the study‟s achievement, giving the eagerness and the passion to study, and being better socialized. The change perceived by the people in the religion aspect is developing their knowledge in religion. While in economic aspect, the changes perceived is obtaining the knowledge in the recycling process of garbage into useful products. With this knowledge, the people made and sold handicrafts with garbage as the main composition. The products gave the income for the people, in particular, the housewives who joined the handicraft training activities. Key words: Community’s Reading Room, People’s Empowerment %D 2012 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib7822