@phdthesis{digilib7855, month = {October}, title = {PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI VISUAL PUTERI BODY MIST COLOGNE FASHIONISTA TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (Analisis Regresi Sederhana pada Siswa SMK Negeri 4 Yogyakarta) }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 08730053 ANIK BUDI ASIH}, year = {2012}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/7855/}, abstract = {Visual communication is used to deliver messages in limited media. The packaging of product is one of media to communicate within company and their customers. Therefore, a lot of companies design their packaging ofproduct as good as they can to persuade their customers. From the shapes, the colours, the ilustrations and the types ot text that used on packaging, the company deliver their messages and hope their customers can understand them. Besides that, many companies also renewing their packaging of product with periodically or not. This fact shows us, that the function of packaging is not only to keep the contain of product. Puteri Body Mist Cologne Fashionista is one of the product that maximize the function of packaging as visual communication media. However, whether there is an influence between the visual communication of product Puteri Body Mist Cologne Fashionista and purchase desicion is still in mystery. Therefore, this research aims to research about the influence of visual communication of product Puteri Body Mist Cologne Fashionista toward purchase desicion and to quantify that influence. This research used purpossive sampling technique and quantitative research methodology with simple regression analysis. The questionaire used closed question and for measure scale it used Linkert scale. Validity test in this research usedproduct moment correlation by the number of samples was 80 or N = 80 and the probability value is 5\%, so r tabel is 0,220. While the realibility test used cronbach?s alpha formula. The statement in questionaire was reliable if the alpha value more than 0,600. After the data were counted by SPSS version 16,correlation value each statement was more than 0,220 prove that the data was valid. Alpha value is 0,904 and it more than 0,600 so the statements in questionaire were reliable. The result of this research was that visual communication of product Puteri Body Mist Cologne Fashionista influenced significantly toward purchase desicion. This result was indicated by t value that more than t table (t 11,632 {\ensuremath{>}} t(80;0,05)2,000). That influence was around 63,4\% while 36,6\% was influenced by other factors that not explained in this research. KEYWORDS : Visual communication, purchase desicion, Puteri Body Mist Cologne Fashionista } }