TY - THES ID - digilib7857 UR - https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/7857/ A1 - ARIESTA DEWI NILAM SARI, NIM. 08730117 Y1 - 2012/10/09/ N2 - The problem formulation in this research is influence of the pounced by tiger incident information toward interest visiting Serulingmas zoo park (Survey on parents of student in Kindergarten PGRI 2 Cendana). The hypothesis which uses is there?s an influence of the pounced by tiger incident information toward interest visiting Serulingmas zoo park. The type of this research is quantitative research. And the kind of this research is survey?s population from all parents of student in Kindergarten PGRI 2 Cendana. The sampel that used is total sampling entire parents, amounting 57 respondents. Researcher use a quesioner to take the data. The data analysis technique that is use is statistic description analysis and use simple regression analysis, classic assumption (normality test and linearity test). Result of normality test that is use Kolmogorov-Smirnov obtained if the KS-Z value from pounced by tiger incident information is 0,612 with Asymp.sig value (p) = 0,848 and bigger than 0,05. This indicate that pounced by tiger incident information variable have a normal spread data. KS-Z value from interest to visit Serulingmas zoo park is 1,177 with Asymp.sig value (p) = 0,125 and bigger than 0,05. This indicate that interest visiting Serulingmas zoo park variable also have a normal spread data. The linearity test indicate the value of sig. linearity from annova are 0,011 which smaller than 0,05. The conclusion from that results indicate if the connection is linear. Result of this research from simple regression analysis, indicate that Rsquare value are 0,108. So, the pounced by tiger incident information can influence the interest visiting Serulingmas zoo park 10,8%. The arithmetic of t value are 2,585 and bigger than t table (2,00). Sig. value indicate 0,012 and smaller than 0,05. So, there?s an influence of the pounced by tiger incident information toward interest visiting Serulingmas zoo park. The conclusion, hypotesis of this research that is explain if there is an influence there?s an influence of the pounced by tiger incident information toward interest visiting Serulingmas zoo park are accepted. The pounced by tiger incident informations can influence interest visiting Serulingmas zoo park as big as 10,8%. This obtained from R Square value 0,108 from the SPSS output (simplregression analysis). And 89,2% are influenced from other factors. Keywords : the pounced by tiger incident information, interest visiting Serulingmas zoo park. PB - UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA M1 - skripsi TI - PENGARUH INFORMASI KEJADIAN PAWANG DITERKAM HARIMAU TERHADAP MINAT BERKUNJUNG KE TAMAN REKREASI MARGA SATWA SERULINGMAS (Survey pada Wali Murid TK PGRI 2 Cendana Kecamatan Banjarnegara) AV - restricted ER -