%A NIM. 07710075 LATIFAH NUR KHAYATI %T HUBUNGAN KETERLIBATAN AYAH DALAM PENGASUHAN DAN MOTIVASI BERPRESTASI PADA SISWA MTS WATHANIYAH ISLAMIYAH KEBUMEN %X This study is aimed to determine the relationship between father’s involvement in children parenting and achievement motivation of student’s MTs Wathaniyah Islamiyah Kebumen. Father’s involvement in parenting is an active participation wich showed the initiative and continuity. While, achievement motivation is the impetus which exist in an individual in raising achievements. The hypothesis proposed that there was a positive relationship between father’s involvement in parenting and achievement motivation in student’s, the higher of the father’s involvement in children parenting will result also to the higher of children motivation achievement. The population of this study was the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students of MTs Wathaniyah Islamiyah Kebumen, with the total amount 365 students. The sampling was Cluster Random Sampling, and it gained 88 students as the subject research. The method used in this study was quantitative method and the analysis technique was the Spearman test used SPSS version 17.0. Further, the data are gathered from the scale measurements of father’s involvement in parenting and achievement motivation. The result obtained with the value of correlation coefficient 0,049 and p = 0.324 (p>0.05). It shows that there was no correlation between father’s involvement in parenting and achievement motivation of the MTs Wathaniyah Islamiyah Kebumen. Keywords: Fathers’ involvement, achievement motivation, student’s %D 2012 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib7868